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Gadgets that can help college students to study better

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Studying can be challenging, no matter whether it is your first year in college or you are graduating soon. You need to attend classes, do homework, participate in college activities, write papers, prepare for exams, and at the same time, try to find some time for yourself so that your head will not just blow out. However, if earlier our parents and grandparents had to deal with these tasks alone, in the digital era, you can count on the variety of online educational tools and services (like writing agencies you can find in essay pro reviews) and electronic gadgets that make your college life much more comfortable.

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Top gadgets to survive in college

Do you remember times when you asked your group mates, Сan you do my homework for me? or do you know someone who can do my homework online? Now you can afford more reliable assistants as technologies allow students to work and study smarter, not longer. Are you ready to put your mind in a more study-oriented way? Then choose one of these gadgets:

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1. E-book – Not an innovation, but still a great, cheap, and light instrument you can put in your pocket. Now you no longer need to bring heavy paper textbooks with you – with Kindle or Nook you can have hundreds of books in your hands that can be easily downloaded and customized (if you also care about saving the nature, then this handy gadget is a must-have):

2. Portable hard drive – The worst thing in writing a long paper is losing it due to the laptop malfunctions. While our PCs and laptops basically have to store backups, extra guarantees of safety will not hurt. For example, buying a portable hard drive to have the essential information at hand is a good investment. Among its main advantages is a huge storage space (depending on your needs) that can keep all the years of your college projects;

3. Smart laptop backpack – One (if not only) unpleasant thing about using laptops is the need to keep them charged. If you bring a laptop to class, you have to find a place near the socket so it could survive the whole day in college. This problem has been recently solved with the creation of USB backpacks that can keep your device charged on the go. They even have an anti-theft pocket built in the back, a tracker and water and dirt resistance qualities;

4. Smart notebook – With many different disciplines, it is easy to miss a thing or lose a notepad with all the necessary information. Now you can take your notes quickly with a smart notebook that can be easily organized and customized to your preferences. All the data is saved in the cloud, so even if something goes wrong with your device, you can still have all your notes safe and sound. Besides, this is an extremely environmental-friendly gadget;

5. Foldable keyboard – If you are a tablet lover, you might experience some difficulties, such as the lack of a convenient keyboard to type quickly on lectures. Foldable keyboards are compact and convenient to bring with you as they don`t take much space and are highly efficient;

6. Wi-Fi coffee maker – If you love working at night (or just have to work at night because you have a damn hundred assignments), this gadget can bring you energy to get through. With one tap of your smartphone, you can have your coffee made, not distracting from papers. You can control how much you need, the temperature, and other required settings. Some devices even allow to start brewing with simple voice command;

7. Wake up light – To study well, you need to sleep well – this is simple logic. This gadget helps to make your waking up process more comfortable by starting to light up in around half an hour before your alarm rings. This way, you can wake up naturally as it works as a sunrise stimulation. The light won`t disappear until you get up and turn it off.


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