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The Most Popular Web Browsing Software.

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Microsoft Internet Explorer

Microsoft Internet Explorer is a web browser developed by Microsoft Corporation. This browser software is found on the Windows operating system installed with the operating system in default. This is treated as the windows components used to navigate and browse the web contents. The latest version of Microsoft Internet Explorer is version 10.0 is most popular used across the globe.

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Netscape Navigator

It is another web software program used to browse and navigate the web contents. It is developed by Netscape Corporation. It does browse the internet in most of the operating system like Like, UNIX, Windows operating system etc. It is not associated with any single operating system. It can be downloaded from its official website.

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Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox is the most popular browser software used nowadays. It is very user-friendly browser softer software provides easy access to surf the internet in several tabs. This browser application has been developed by Mozilla Corporation. This browser can be used in various other operating systems too like Linux, UNIX and Windows operating. It can be downloaded from the website of Mozilla Corporation.

Apple Safari

Apple Safari is browser software and navigates web contents on MAC operating system mostly. It is developed by Apple Corporation. It is also used in some other GUI based operating systems to Linux GUI and Windows. This browser software can be downloaded from its official website.

Google Chrome

Google Chrome is the newest browser software among the above. This is very fast and reliable browser software which browsers the contents very fast its rich script feature. It is highly recommended and developed by Google Corporation. It is launching its newer versions in a very short span of time. It has been most popular among the rest of the browser in a very short time. It can be downloaded from Google's official website.


This is another kind of browser software which is used to browse and navigate the web contents. This application has launched in computer & Mobile segment both. This is also a very reliable and fast during web browser. It is developed by Opera Corporation.


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